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Alibaba Cloud

To Deploy SDi:


  1. Download: Obtain the SDi instance using the above button or link to download from command line.

  2. Deploy: Install it on the designated device or virtual machine.

  3. Execute: Run the command sudo ./BastionneBox.

  4. Activate: Enter the license code when prompted.

SHA-256 Hash: 3f302fbcd296a0a754d0ab6b08d058376cc2743b22158af17bb811bcfd8e985d

How to Verify Your Download with SHA-256


macOS Users

  1. Open Terminal.

  2. Navigate to File: Use cd to change to the directory containing your file.

  3. Calculate Hash: Type shasum -a 256

  4. Verify Hash: Compare the output with the provided SHA-256 hash. If they match, your file is verified.


Windows Users

  1. Download HashTab: Visit and download the utility.

  2. Install HashTab: Open the downloaded installer and follow the prompts to install.

  3. Check the File: Right-click your file, choose Properties, then the File Hashes tab or Digital Signatures.

  4. Verify Hash: HashTab will display the file's SHA-256 hash. Ensure it matches the provided hash exactly.


Linux Users

  1. Open Terminal.

  2. Navigate to File: Change to the directory containing your file using cd.

  3. Calculate Hash: Enter sha256sum

  4. Verify Hash: Compare the terminal's output with the provided SHA-256 hash. A matching hash confirms the file's integrity.


Important: For all users, the SHA-256 hash of your downloaded file must exactly match the hash provided above. Any discrepancy indicates that the file may have been tampered with or corrupted during download.

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